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Angela Drive, Hillcrest, TN 37807
» Davidson County » Religion
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Worship centers in Davidson County, Tennessee
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Nearest Services
Place of Worship
Abiding Love Restoration Center
Abundant Life Christian Center
Metroplex Drive
Abundant Life Church of God
Zophi Street
Abundant Life Pentecostal Church
(christian - pentecostal)
Alameda Street
Abyssinia Missionary Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
12th Avenue North
Abyssinian Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
12th Avenue North
Acklen Avenue Church of Christ
Acklen Avenue
Acuff Chapel
Al-Farooq Islamic Center
Thompson Lane, 67 37211 Nashville
Phone: 615-313-8844
Al-Mahdi Islamic Center
Wingrove Street
Alameda Christian Disciples of Christ Church
Alameda Street Christian Church
25th Avenue North
Aldersgate Church
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Rosebank Avenue
All Saints Southern Episcopal Church
Park Avenue
Alpha United Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
14th Avenue North
Alta Loma Church
Andrew Price Memorial United Methodist Church
Anointed Life Fellowship
Mc Ferrin Avenue
Antioch Community Church of God
Antioch Pike
Antioch First Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Ottenville Avenue
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Oakwood Avenue
Antioch United Methodist Church
(christian - methodist)
Tusculum Road, 41 37213 Antioch
Phone: 615-832-6248
Apostolic Christian Church
Hicks Road
Arlington Church
Arthur Avenue Missionary Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Arthur Avenue
Ascension Lutheran Church
(christian - lutheran)
Ashwood Church of Christ
Ashwood Avenue
Assumption Church
7th Avenue North
Bakers Grove Church
Earhart Road
Beacon Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Marydale Drive
Beech Creek Missionary Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Curtis Street
Beech Grove Church
Brick Church Pike
Bell Road Church of Christ
Bell Road Church of the Nazarene
Davenport Drive
Belle Meade United Methodist Church
Davidson Road
Belle Meade United Primitive Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
42nd Avenue North
Bellevue Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Highway 70 South, 7400 37221 Nashville
Phone: +1-615-646-2711
Bellevue Christian Church
Colice Jeanne Road
Bellevue Church of Christ
Highway 70 South, 7401 37221 Nashville
Phone: 615-646-9828
Bellevue Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian_church_usa)
Cross Timbers Drive, 100 37221 Nashville
Phone: +1-615-646-1667
Bellevue United Methodist Church
(christian - united_methodist)
Old Harding Pike, 7501 37221 Nashville
Phone: +1-615-646-4146
Bellevue United Methodist Church
Old Harding Pike
Bellshire Assembly of God Church
(christian - pentecostal)
Darbytown Drive
Bellshire United Methodist Church
Belmont Church
Music Circle South
Belmont United Methodist Church
(christian - united_methodist)
21st Avenue South
Benson Memorial Church of the Nazarene
Berry Street
Benton Avenue Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Benton Avenue
Berean Baptist Chapel
(christian - baptist)
Hummingbird Drive
Berryville Church
6th Street
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bethel Chapel
Bethel Church
Marion Avenue
Bethel Church of God
Jackson Street
Bethel Church of the Nazarene
Broadmoor Drive, 455 37216 Nashville
Phone: 615-262-3396
Bethel Full Gospel Church
East Old Hickory Boulevard
Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Stratford Avenue
Bethel World Outreach Church
Bethelehem Temple Church
11th Avenue North
Bethesda Original Church of God
Tucker Road
Bethlehem Temple Church
11th Avenue North
Bethlehem United Primitive Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Delk Avenue
Better Hope Apostolic Faith Church
5th Avenue North
Bible Believers Chapel
Baptist World Center Drive
Bible Christian Academy
East Trinity Lane
Bible Pentecostal Church
(christian - pentecostal)
East Trinity Lane
Bible Tabernacle
Miller Street
Big Harpeth United Primitive Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Berry Street
Blakemore Church of the Nazarene
Natchez Trace
Blakemore United Methodist Church
Whitland Avenue
Body of Christ Church
Fatherland Street
Bordeaux Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Esther Avenue
Bordeaux Church of Christ
County Hospital Road
Bordeaux Methodist Church
John Mallette Drive
Bordeaux Primitive Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Bratton Avenue
Born Again Church
Boston Church
Boulevard Seventh-day Adventist Church
(christian - seventh_day_adventist)
East Old Hickory Boulevard, 261 37115 Nashville
Phone: +1 615 868 3696
Bowman Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church
Lynnwood Boulevard
Braden United Methodist Church
Main Street
Brenthaven Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Brentwood Hills Church of Christ
Brentwood United Methodist Church
Almond Street
Broadmoor Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Broadmoor Church of God
Broadmoor Drive
Brook Hollow Church
Brookhaven Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Brookmeade Church
Bresslyn Road
Brookmeade Church
Charlotte Pike
Brooks Memorial United Methodist Church
Masonwood Drive
Brookside Church of Christ
Tusculum Road
Brush Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Brush Hill Road, 3705 37216 Nashville
Phone: 615-227-2504
Bryant Grove Church
Couchville Pike
Buena Vista Church
Buena Vista Pike
Bull Run Road Church
Pine Valley Road
Burnette Chapel
Pin Hook Road
Calvary Assembly of God Church
(christian - pentecostal)
Calvary Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Westbrook Avenue
Calvary Chapel of Nashville
Calvary Tabernacle
Day Street
Calvary United Methodist Church
Canaan Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Main Street
Cane Ridge Church
Capers Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
15th Avenue North
Capitol Baptist Temple
(christian - baptist)
White Bridge Pike
Cathedral of the Incarnation
(christian - roman_catholic)
West End Avenue, 2001 37203 Nashville
Phone: +1 615-327-2330
Catholic Pastoral Center
(christian - roman_catholic)
McGavock Pike, 2800 37214 Nashville
Cedar Grove Church
Cedar Grove Road
Centenary Church
Old Charlotte Pike
Centenary Church
Gower Road
Central Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Riverside Drive
Central Church of Christ
Rep. John Lewis Way North
Central Pike Church
Central Pike
Central Zion Church
Hicks Road
Charlotte Heights Church of Christ
Old Charlotte Pike
Charlotte Road Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Charlotte Pike
Cherokee Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Cherokee Avenue
Cherokee Hills Nazarene Church
Antioch Pike
Child Evangelism Fellowship Church
Woodbine Street
Christ Church
Christ Church Cathedral
(christian - episcopal)
Broadway, 900 37203 Nashville
Phone: 6152557729
Christ Communinity Church of Metropolitan Nashvlle
Ashland City Highway
Christ Community Church
Christ Lutheran Church
(christian - lutheran)
Haywood Lane
Christ Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Old Hickory Boulevard
Christ Temple Pentecostal Church
(christian - pentecostal)
10th Avenue North
Christ the King Catholic Church
Primrose Avenue
Christian Believers Fellowship Church
Whipple Place
Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Tennessee
French Landing Drive
Christian Church in Tennessee
Craighead Avenue
Christian Journey Fellowship Church
Chateau Valley Lane
Christian Pentecostal Witnesses Church
(christian - pentecostal)
Rucker Avenue
Christlove Ministries
Pennock Avenue
Church of Christ
(christian - Church_of_Christ)
Church of Christ at Broadmoor
Broadmoor Drive, 264 37216 Nashville
Phone: 615-228-0449
Church of Christ at Trinity Lane
East Trinity Lane
Church of God
Lawrence Street
Church of God
Foster Avenue
Church of God of Prophecy
Kentucky Avenue
Church of Jesus Christ
5th Avenue North
Church of Living God
Meridian Street
Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre
8th Ave South, 1130 37203 Nashville
Church of Settle Court
Foster Street
Church of the Assumption
7th Avenue North, 1227 37208 Nashville
Phone: +16152562729
Church of the Holy Name
South 6th Street
Church of the Living God
Monetta Avenue
Church of the Redeemer
Church of the Redeemer
East Iris Drive
Church on the rock
East Palestine Avenue
City Church of East Nashville
(christian - presbyterian)
Riverside Drive
City Road Chapel United Methodist Church
Neelys Bend Road
Claiborne Street Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
7th Avenue South
Clark Memorial United Methodist Church
14th Avenue North
Cleveland Street Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Eastland Street
Clifton Avenue Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Clifton Avenue
Cofers Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Franklin Pike
Cofers Church
College Hill Church of the Nazarene
Hart Street
Community Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Dickerson Pike
Community Bible Church
Community Christian Church
Wilburn Street
Community Hall Church
Douglas Avenue
Community Missionary Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
S Douglas Avenue
Concordia Lutheran Church
(christian - lutheran)
Central Avenue
Corinthian Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Batavia Street
Cornerstone Church
Cornerstone Nashville
(christian - pentecostal)
Cottage Cove Urban Ministries
(christian - nondenominational)
Benton Avenue, 630 37204 Nashville
Phone: 615-292-2303
Covenant Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Cowan Street Missionary Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
4th Avenue North
Crieve Hall Church of Christ
Trousdale Drive, 4806 37220 Nashville
Crievewood Baptist Church
Hogan Road, 480 37220 Nashville
Phone: 615-832-5968
Crievewood United Methodist Church
Hogan Road, 451 37220 Nashville
Phone: 615-832-2897
Cross Timbers Free Will Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Cross Timbers Drive, 201 37221 Nashville
Phone: +1-615-646-0515
Crosspoint Church
Crystal Fountain Church
Russell Street
Cumberland Primitive Baptist Tabernacle
(christian - baptist)
Dalebrook Lane Church of Christ
Eastland Avenue
Dales Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Dickerson Pike
Dalewood Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
McGavock Pike, 1586 37216 Nashville
Dalewood United Methodist Church
Ridgecrest Drive
Deeper Life Assembly Church
42nd Avenue North
Dickerson Road Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Due West Avenue
Disciples Divinity House
Adelicia Street, 1917 37212 Nashville
Phone: +1 615 321 0380
Dixon Memorial Methodist Church
Buchanan Street
Dodson Chapel United Methodist Church
Central Pike
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia
(christian - roman_catholic)
Dominican Drive, 801 37228 Nashville
Phone: 615-256-5486
Donelson Christian Church
Donelson Church
Knobdale Road
Donelson Church of Christ
Donelson Church of God
Allen Road
Donelson Church of the Nazarene
Donelson Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Spring Place Drive
Donelson Heights United Methodist Church
Fairway Drive
Donelson Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Donelson View Baptist Church
(christian - baptist)
Quinn Circle
Downtown Presbyterian Church
(christian - protestant)
5th Avenue North, 154
Downtown Presbyterian Church
(christian - presbyterian)
Church Street
Dry Creek Church
Gallatin Pike
Dry Fork Church
Fairview Drive